Welcome to Veterans Airport!

We are ideally located in Southern Illinois between St. Louis, Missouri and Paducah, Kentucky. Our Airport offers on-site vehicle rentals, motel, and Fire Station providing 24-hour response. We have 8002 feet of runway and plenty of ramp/terminal parking with grounded tie-downs to complement a 22,000 sq-ft corporate hangar and Fixed Base Operator maintenance hangars. As a FAR Part 139 Certificated Airport, our Airport Operations Staff operates and maintains a full complement of airfield equipment to ensure clear and safe runways and taxiways. We happily invite you to be our guest and utilize the Airport and airspace for training or just to stop in and fill up with our full service FBO. Feel confident that the FBO, Midwest Aviation, will provide superior service to both you and your aircraft.
12hr FBO OPS / No PPR Required. / Touch-N-Go’s

We offer unencumbered air space with minimal flight restrictions. Our Air Traffic Controllers are military veterans with experience handling several types of military aircraft. They can offer unrestricted airspace 0 – 3,000 feet within a five mile radius and the opportunity to practice several types of approaches: 2-VOR, 2-GPS, LOC, SFO, Overhead, VOR/A, ILS and NDB. The air traffic control tower is manned 7am-7pm; 365 days a year.
Quick Turns / Gas-N-Go / R.O.N.

Midwest Aviation FBO provides complete Military aircraft turnaround service. Many of our Transient Military Support personnel are military veterans with training and experience on many types of helicopters, cargo planes, and training aircraft. Drop in during your next cross-country for a quick Gas-n-Go or Remain Overnight to meet up with other pilots on TDY. All you have to do is hit the deck and taxi in. We’ll take care of the rest!
Maximum Security – 24hr. Continuous All-Night.

Veterans Airport (KWMA) provides complete airfield manned security 24-hours / 7-days per week. Roving patrols ensure facility and equipment access control, airfield entry/exit control, and key/badge control.